

We offer a variety of courses on topics related to Soft, Living and Active Matter in both the Bachelor and Master curicula at LION. The full list of offered courses can be found within the online prospectus for the bachelor and the master. Here are some of the most relevant courses taught by the SLAM PIs:

Complex Physics of Cooking is taught by L. Jawerth.
Fluid Phenomena in Soft Matter is taught by A. Morin.
Statistical Physics a is taught by L. Giomi.
Statistical Physics b is taught by L. Giomi.
Mechanical Metamaterials is taught by M. van Hecke.
Soft and Biomatter Theory is taught by S. Henkes.


Our labs also host bachelor and master research projects. Contact us if you are a student interested in discovering exciting current research in Soft, Living or Active Matter!

The projects we offer are genuine research projects. As such, they are different each year, even each semester. Below is a list of past projects to give you an idea of the variety of the topics covered:

Rotation of Quincke rollers, by Lieuwe Tijsma, supervised by M. Le Blay & A. Morin - 2022
Binary Colloidal Flocks Self-Sort by Size, by Mathilde Lettinga, supervised by A. Morin - 2021
Two steps toward active crystals, by Colin Meulblok, supervised by A. Morin - 2022